Newsletters (Page 3)

There’s something happening out in Straffan !!

There’s something happening out in Straffan, or maybe more accurately in St. Brigid’s.As I am sure you are aware, we are in the happy position in our faith community, sometimes called a parish, that we have not one but two patron saints, and if that wasn’t remarkable enough, the two said patrons are also our two national patrons. Yes, we are doubly blessed in Brigid and Patrick. Yes there’s no doubt there’s something happening out in St Brigid’s in Straffan.…

Christmas Recipe

Well the mince pie season is in full swing and I am delighted, though I must confess I find the mince pie is getting more and more like the sausage: it is quite difficult to get a really good one. Actually come to think of it the sausage is worse. Unfortunately more often than not I am disappointed in the sausage. Too much fat, too much water, way too much salt, poor quality and sadly often pretty tasteless. That’s the…

Waiting !

On one of my first trips to the United States, I worked in a summer camp run by the Salesians. On our first day, Fr John and I asked the young people we were working with to queue up. They stared at us blankly. They had no clue what we were talking about. Soon we were to learn about the trunk of the car as opposed to the boot, that the lift is the escalator but on that given day…

The Deep Winter of Disbelief

Recently on a long flight I watched Dr Zhivago. It’s a long film but my goodness how rewarding. JulieChristie, Omar Sharif and all that snow….and what about the music? Not just Lara’s Theme, though thisblows me away, but the entire score. I was grateful that my fellow passengers seemed engrossed in theirown little world and hopefully remained unaware of the impact my trip into 1917 Russia was having on me.My heart soared and crashed as the music and evolving story…