Newsletters (Page 4)
IS THERE ANY HOPE FOR THE CHURCH? I have been pondering this question for a long time now. Maybe it’s an age thing but I am so tired of the language of crisis. It must be twenty years now that I am listening to talk of the various crises facing the Church with a host of names attached to them including, crisis of faith, crisis of vocations, and crisis of identity. This talk has oftentimes been accompanied with a…
Rumblings from the Bunker; Holy Bread ?
Recently I was a little alarmed to hear someone, whom I thought would know better, display a huge ignorance with what happens at Mass. Of course there are many things that happen at this beautiful and most extraordinary of experiences that we call The Mass or The Eucharist, including sorrow for sin, the communal expression of what we believe in the Creed and a missioning back into the world to spread, and indeed live, the Gospel. However at the core…
A Plethora of Clots and a Myriad of Prayer !
A PLETHORA OF CLOTS AND A MYRIAD OF PRAYER So I have been on a journey, a journey which had its own language. It was the language of hospital, doctors and nurses, of scans and tests and my new key term, the D-dimer! This term is now an important one in my vocabulary. The closest I had got to this, up until a few weeks ago, was one of the treats of my youth, the dime bar! I now…
Parish Notices 12th April
NOTICES FOR SUNDAY APRIL 14th YOUR PRAYERS PLEASE Every day next week I will be celebrating the beautiful Sacrament of First Penance with the children of the parish and on every evening of the following week we will be celebrating the simple but profound Service of Light with all our young people who are in the final stages of preparation for Confirmation. Please keep them, their parents and their sponsors in your prayers over the following weeks. *****************************************…
The Blessing of Bread Holy Saturday
The “Blessing of Bread” on Holy Saturday is an enduring and beloved Polish tradition. Ornate baskets decorated in crisp linen, ribbons and sprigs of boxwood are filled with beautiful foods of special significance. Bread in the shape of a cob with a cross on top symbolizes Christ’s gift of daily bread, Eggs symbolize new life and Christ’s Resurrection from the tomb, Butter in the form of a Pascal Lamb represents the Lamb of God, Bacon and Ham symbolize abundance, Horseradish…
Members of our Parish team
Easter 2024 (from left to right) Deacon John Graham, Fr Peter Nwigwe, Fr Joe Mc Donald, Fr Jacob Shanet & Fr Jonathan Nwankwo
St. Patrick’s & St. Brigid’s Celbridge & Straffan Monday 1st of April 10 am Mass in St Patrick’s Church Tuesday 2nd April 10 am Mass in St Patrick’s Church Wednesday 3rd April 10 am Mass in St Patrick’s Church No evening Mass Thursday 4th April 10 am Mass in St Patrick’s Church Friday 5th April 7 pm Mass in St Patrick’s Church Saturday 6th April 10 am Mass in St Patrick’s Church Saturday 6th April 10.40 am Confessions in…
Easter Schedule in St Brigid’s, Straffan
EASTER SCHEDULE IN ST. BRIGID’S TUESDAY 26th MASS at 9am CONFESSIONS 11am to 8pm in ST. PATRICK’S CHURCH, CELBRIDGE ************************* FRIDAY 29th GOOD FRIDAY 10am PROCESSION OF THE CROSS with Rev. Stephen and Priests of the Parish 3pm PASSION OF THE LORD ************************* SATURDAY 30th HOLY SATURDAY 8pm SOLEMN EASTER VIGIL ************************* SUNDAY 31st EASTER SUNDAY 11am EASTER SUNDAY MASS ************************* Week day Mass will resume in St Brigid’s on the 9th of April.…
TUESDAY 26th MASS at 10am CONFESSIONS FROM 11am to 8pm ****************** WEDNESDAY 27th MARCH SPY WEDNESDAY MORNING MASS at 10am EVENING MASS at 7pm ***************** THURSDAY 28TH HOLY THURSDAY NO MORNING MASS PRAYER at 10am with The Legion of Mary MASS OF THE LORD’S SUPPER at 8pm (followed by Watch & Pray at 9.30pm) ***************** FRIDAY 29th MARCH GOOD FRIDAY PRAYER at 10am with The Legion of Mary PROCESSION OF CROSS from CHRIST CHURCH …