
Annual Blessing of Pets !!!

Annual Blessing of Pets will take place on SATURDAY 5th of October in Christ Church at 2pm. Collection in aid of KWW SPCA Animals and their humans can avail of refreshments following the Service, especially those “escaping from Springfield” !! ALL PETS WELCOME !!!


FAMILY MASS IN ST PATRICK,s CHURCH Starting on the 6th of October at the 12 noon Mass and will continue thereafter the first Sunday of every month. ALL FAMILIES WELCOME !!!

Blessing of School bags !

Welcome to all our pupils starting and returning to school this year ! You are invited to THE BLESSING OF SCHOOL BAGS on Thursday 19th of September at 7pm for a short service in: St Patrick’s Church, Celbridge ALL FAMILIES WELCOME !!!

Weekday Evening Mass

Wednesday and Friday Evenings at St Patrick’s

Weekdays at St Patrick’s

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday morning Mass in St Patrick’s

Sunday Evening Mass

Mass in St Patrick’s with Sacred Music led by St Patrick’s Folk Group

Sunday Midday Mass

Mass in St Patrick’s with Sacred Music led by the Gospel Choir

Sunday Morning Mass

Sunday Mass in St Patrick’s with Sacred Music led by St Patrick’s Choir
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